One-way packaging
Importers and producers that market beverages in one-way packaging on which deposits are payable must register the packaging with the Danish deposit and return system. When you register an item of packaging, you must therefore decide how the packaging will be deposit marked.
The deposit mark comprises a deposit rate circled by two arrows above a deposit code consisting of five black dots, as well as the letters “Pant A”, “Pant B” or “Pant C”. The letters indicate whether the deposit is DKK 1.00, 1.50 or 3.00, respectively.
You may deposit mark products in two ways
You may choose primary marking: the deposit mark is printed directly on the packaging or on the label of the packaging.
You may also choose secondary marking: manual marking using a self-adhesive deposit mark that can only be purchased from Dansk Retursystem and should be attached thereafter.
You are free to choose primary or secondary marking.
Primary marking of one-way packaging
You may register an item of one-way packaging with primary marking. This means that the deposit mark is printed directly on the packaging or on the label of the packaging.
We will advise you about deposit marking when you register your packaging. Examples of primary marking:

If you choose primary marking, you will subsequently need to report your sales to Dansk Retursystem. Based on your sales, Dansk Retursystem will collect the deposits and fees.
Providing collateral
If you choose primary marking, Dansk Retursystem will require you to provide collateral to guarantee the payment of deposits and fees.
Layout of the label
Dansk Retursystem supplies the necessary print files for printing the deposit marks for primary marking. Dansk Retursystem will ensure that the deposit marking conforms to the rules laid down in the Statutory Order.
Before your packaging can be registered, Dansk Retursystem needs to approve the layout of the label in relation to positioning of the deposit mark and the barcode. You can either send your packaging with your completed label or you can send the packaging together with a suggested layout showing the deposit mark and the barcode. We recommend that you send us a suggested layout that will allow you to change the label if it does not satisfy the marking requirements.
The layout may be sent by post or by e-mail as a PDF or JPG file to
Secondary marking of one-way packaging
You may register an item of one-way packaging with secondary marking. This means that you purchase a deposit mark on a self-adhesive label that you place on the packaging.
We will advise you about deposit marking when you register your packaging. Examples of self-adhesive deposit marks:

With secondary marking, you may choose to pay the deposits, fees and the cost of producing the labels when you purchase the self-adhesive deposit marks. In this situation, you do not need to report your sales. You can also choose to pay only the deposits and the cost of producing the labels when you purchase the self-adhesive deposit marks. In this situation, you need to report your sales, so that Dansk Retursystem A/S can collect the correct fees.
Special self-adhesive deposit marks
Under certain circumstances, Dansk Retursystem A/S may grant a special type of self-adhesive deposit mark that has a number between 0 and 99 instead of the material codes A, G, S or P. Dansk Retursystem A/S always decides whether a special self-adhesive deposit mark may be used. Example of special self-adhesive deposit mark:

The special self-adhesive deposit mark is expected to be used for marking non-standard packaging that, for example, requires a different fee. This may include packaging made of composite materials (different materials). The special self-adhesive deposit mark will also be used at trade shows or exhibitions.
Trade show self-adhesive deposit marks
Basically, all packaging containing beverages on which deposits are payable that are marketed in Denmark must be deposit marked. This may be difficult to put into practice at beverage trade shows, especially if there are many foreign exhibitors. Organizers of these types of trade shows can therefore apply exceptionally to register with Dansk Retursystem as trade show organizers and obtain permission to purchase trade show self-adhesive deposit marks.
Being permitted to use trade show self-adhesive deposit marks requires that guests at the trade show pay an entrance fee and that the primary purpose of the fair is to supply beverages. All beverages must be consumed at the location, such as samples.
Once you, as the event organizer of a trade show or exhibition, have registered with Dansk Retursystem you can order trade show self-adhesive deposit marks for use at the event. You may only sell or otherwise transfer the deposit marks to the exhibitors for the products they will use at the event. The price of the marks may not exceed the price you have paid Dansk Retursystem for the marks: the cost of the deposits, the operating fee and the cost of producing the marks. It is optional to offer this service to your exhibitors, but if you choose not to, the exhibitors must deposit mark their products.
A trade show label has the number 01 instead of the usual material code, A, G, S or P. A barcode is always required. Each trade show has its own barcode for each of the deposit values A, B and C depending on the requirements. Trade show self-adhesive deposit marks can then be placed on all the packaging at the trade show for the appropriate deposit value, independent on the content and the type of packaging material used.
Once the trade show is over, you may return any unused trade show self-adhesive deposit marks to Dansk Retursystem no later than 3 years after the labels were supplied. In this situation, you will be refunded the deposits and fees but not the cost of producing the marks.
Dansk Retursystem always decides whether you fulfil the requirements for using a trade show self-adhesive deposit mark. Contact our Quality and Packaging Department for more information.
Special deposit marking
Under certain circumstances, the Statutory Order also enables Dansk Retursystem to approve a different type of self-adhesive deposit mark, such as for non-standard packaging or unusual types of marketing.
Technical assessment A or B
In Denmark, there is free choice of packaging. It is therefore up to you how your bottles look and what materials you use. However, if you combine materials such as plastic and metal, this may result in paying a higher charge than the charges published on our website. The reason is that Dansk Retursystem cannot send the packaging off for recycling with other material, since this type of packaging requires extra processing to ensure that it is recycled optimally.
Can it be scanned by a reverse vending machine?
When you send a bottle to Dansk Retursystem as part of the registration process, we will also always check whether the bottle can be accepted and scanned by a reverse vending machine. Not all bottles are suitable for this purpose: for example, very small or very large bottles. The shape of some bottles can prevent correct rotation in the reverse vending machine, and they cannot be identified easily.
Based on your registration application, you will always receive information on the extent to which a reverse vending machine can scan your packaging and whether the shape of a bottle presents scanning problems for the machine. Your certificate of packaging registration will show whether a bottle has been give an A or B technical assessment.
If a reverse vending machine cannot scan the packaging, it will be given a B technical assessment. This may mean that consumers will have to return the packaging manually to receive their deposit back.