Management and Board of Directors

Read about the Management Team, Ownership, and Board of Directors of Dansk Retursystem

Dansk Retursystem was established in 2000 as a limited-liability company with four owners. The Statutory Order on Deposits specified that the company should be non-profit. This ensures that the only purpose of the deposit and return system is to recycle as many empty bottles and cans as possible into new bottles and cans. 

Dansk Retursystem is therefore an example of public authorities and private companies collaborating on a project to benefit society. 

The key partners in the Danish deposit and return system are represented on Dansk Retursystem’s Board of Directors: the breweries, the importers of beverages on which deposits are payable and the retail trade, which is required to receive the empty bottles and cans returned by consumers. 

Board of directors

The Articles of Association require the Chair of the Board of Directors to be non-partisan and unconnected to any of the partners involved. 

Chair of the Board 
  • Thomas Dalsgaard 
Members of the Board 
  • Director, Niels Hald, Danish Brewers’Association 
  • Vice President Off Trade Per Damgaard Hansen, Carlsberg Danmark A/S
  • Financial Service Director Klavs Kirkedal, Carlsberg Danmark A/S
  • VP Corporate Affairs Christian Wulff Søndergaard, Carlsberg Group, Carlsberg Danmark A/S
  • Packaging Director Lene Borne Jørgensen, Carlsberg Supply Company Danmark A/S 
  • Head of Markets Lotte Engbæk Larsen, Confederation of Danish Enterprise
  • Supply Chain Director Denmark Søren Lisberg, Royal Unibrew A/S Denmark
  • Vice President & General Manager Kasper Ryttersgaard Jacobsen, Royal Unibrew A/S
  • Salgsdirektør Klavs Husmand, Harboes Bryggeri A/S
  • Direktør Jura & Risk, Martin S. G. Christiansen, Coop Danmark A/S  
  • Group General Counsel Jakob Røddik Thøgersen, Salling Group A/S
  • Vicedirektør Claus Bøgelund Kegel Nielsen, De Samvirkende Købmænd

Management Team

Directly to you. That’s n advantage for both consumers, who receive their deposits faster, and for us, as we have to empty stations less frequently when cans and bottles are flattened and therefore take up less space.

Kasper Schmidt
Chief Executive Officer
Heidi Schütt Larsen
Executive Vice President
Anders Gaba
Chief Financial Officer
Jesper Frische Larsen
Chief Operation Officer
Helle Psilander
Head of People & Culture
Freddy Hedegaard Nielsen
Project Director
Anne-Mette Bundgaard
Head of Communications & Branding
Martin Udengaard Olesen
Head of Business Development